Wednesday, April 23, 2008


urrrrrrrrgh. diarrhoea.feverishness.etcetc. kao
great. i thought of a good PW idea during the trip home from the doctor's. and guess what, i forgot it! wth! and my PI is like overdue!!!!!
okay look on the bright side, i can finally hand in my rubbish GP essay which is 3 weeks overdue, my recurrence assignment which is er, 2weeks overdue? and my MI assignment. first time i'm doing something and handing in on time (taking into consideration i'm not in school during the deadline).
great, God didn't want me to be in teh school team. i'm still trying to find out why. got over it though. gotta get well then get back my fitness and train for next year.
wow, i just realised it's been eons since i last blogged. cool.
okay, Man U and barca. go go man u!

Friday, April 04, 2008


well time passes realllllllllll fast. it's alr april! and yeah, feeling the effects of lack of rest!
well, i have like econs 2 essays, gp 2 essays, maths tutorials, physics tutorials, PW first draft etc etc to do, just to name a few. and my whole body is like aching now. urgh
can't generate a nice idea for PW. don't know where to start! and what to do! somebody help me!
kay idk what else to blog. with this few minutes of free time i have, i shall end by stating my desire to get into the school team. last 2 slots, i really gotta impress fabio.